Cambridge English: Advanced, also known as Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) is accepted wherever a high level of English language is required. More than 12,000 employers, universities and colleges, government departments, and other organizations around the world rely on Cambridge English language exams.
Rosemounts offers a well-researched and complete training program for CAE. All four modules: reading, writing, listening, and speaking are covered intensively. Specific vocabulary and grammar remedial sessions help students gain more confidence.
Why Opt for CAE?
KET is the first-level Cambridge ESOL exam, at Level A2 of the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. KET indicates that you can cope with everyday written and spoken communication at a fundamental level. KET is an excellent first step, helping you build confidence in English and measure progress.
KET involves language from real-life situations and covers the four language skills – reading, writing, listening, and speaking. It provides an assessment of practical skills and will help students learn English required for travel, educational and professional situations. Since 2007, KET is available in two formats – paper and pencil test or CB-KET (Computer Based)
Rosemounts hosts training sessions that are fun and interactive. Roleplay, JAMs, stimulated discussions, pair work, and group work activities ensure learning is enjoyable. All four modules: reading, writing, listening, and speaking are taught separately. Periodical assessments and mock tests help students gain confidence.
In today’s world communication is the key to success. Whether you are a student, employee, or entrepreneur, communicating effectively in English is a necessity in today’s world. The Business English Course (BEC) taught at Rosemounts helps the students acquire English language skills that can be used effectively in a professional environment. The course covers all four skills – reading, writing, speaking, and listening extensively. The key focus of the course is on writing and speaking skills. In order to make the course, more industry-oriented students are taught presentation and public speaking skills too.
The course is offered at four levels: Pre Intermediate, Intermediate and Advanced. The students are free to take the appropriate Cambridge Business English Certificate Exam at the end of the course. The Cambridge Business English Certificates are a suite of three English Language qualifications for International Business:
Such Certificates are valid throughout the world. Numerous multinational companies accept BEC as proof of English Language proficiency boosting students’ employability. The course is taught by internationally certified teachers. All the classes are activity-based and the material used is authentic and well researched.
Cambridge English Business Certificates are trusted and globally accepted by leading employers, educational institutions, and governments worldwide, including:
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