The Hindi Level Placement Test is designed to test your proficiency in the Hindi Language. The test has Two levels:
Level 1 – For who have little or no prior Hindi Training.
Level 2 – for those who have some prior training in Hindi.
Based on the above you may choose the level that is appropriate for you. After you select an appropriate level you will be prompted to enter your details after which the test will begin. Please note that to receive your score, ensure you enter a valid email address.
Instructions for the test
Each level comprises of 30 multiple choice questions.
05 questions are based on comprehension.
You will be given 20 minutes for each level.
You may mark a question for review and check it at any point of time during each level.
After you complete a certain level you must enter your details again to take another level.
Please close all other tabs and windows during the test to avoid any distraction and ensure you do not close the page during the test as your progress will be lost.