IELTS Reading Tips: Top of the line

IELTS Reading Tips: Top of the line

  1. Manage time well.  Divide your time 15min first passage, 20 min second passage, 25 min third passage.
  2. Skim through the passage. Spend more time with the openings and closings of each paragraph.
  3. Develop a sense of prediction.
  4. A passage will have different types of questions. If a heading question is present, solve it first.
  5. Spend more time with the questions. 
  1. Read the instructions carefully.
  2. No perfect answers. Look for the best available choice.
  3. Eliminate.
  4. Remember there are no perfect answers. There are only the best available choices.
  5. Got entangled with a question. Drop it. Come back to it after a short while.
  6. While writing the answers, don’t make any spelling mistakes.
  7. Develop contextual vocabulary skills.
  8. Revise. Take a hard look at your answer sheet. Series and spellings.

Yes No Not Given

  1. Understand what Yes (true), No (false) and Not Given mean.
  2. Read the instructions carefully.
  3. Focus on the idea expressed in the statement.
  4. The first statement is either a yes or a no.
  5. The statements are in a series. One follows the other.
  6. If you can’t find the answer to a statement move on to the next one.
  7. Change the statement into a question.
  8. Look out for key words.
  9. Beware of adjectives and adverbs.
  10. Beware of synonyms and antonyms.


  1. Understand what a heading is.
  2. Read the instructions carefully.
  3. Read all the choices. 
  4. Focus on the opening and closing sentences of each paragraph.
  5. Go through the choices again. Eliminate them one by one till you have filtered through to the best available choice.
  6. Look out for key words.
  7. Don’t go with familiar looking words. They can be a trap.
  8. Can’t find the heading, move on to the next paragraph. Save time and effort.

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