Study Abroad


Study Abroad Program

Course outline

Designed for students wanting to study at a foreign university, our ‘Study Abroad Program’ covers everything you need to know about studying there including:

Course fee:

This program is free, registration for each session is on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Who is it for?

This program will be helpful for all students looking to pursue their Bachelor’s degree right after Class 12 or their Master’s degree right after graduation or after working for a few years.

Why should I attend?

Attending this program will help you cut through all the clutter on the web and present you with the right information needed to make a decision regarding the application process for the above countries.

What do I need to do next?

Sign up for the workshops that interest you by emailing at or sign up by filling the form below. We offer a first come first served policy so email us as soon as possible.

To register for future sessions, please fill out the form below.

Need Help?

We Are Here To Assist You

Feel free to contact Us, and WE will be more than happy to answer all of your questions.