The English Language – A brief overview

English as a language has evolved manifold over the past few centuries. From being the language of the nobles and the royalty, it has become the second most spoken language by the masses now. This change was primarily brought due to the adaptability of this language for it has always been open to accepting and assimilating new words thereby making its vocabulary richer and better.

English language is a deep ocean beaming with numerous pearls like lexical richness, literary devices, and figures of speech etc. A person interested in its beauty has to delve deep to get the pearls of his choice. Beginning with the basic structures such as nouns or pronouns that become the subject or the object of the sentence and the verbs that define the action done by the former, English uses the prepositions and the conjunctions to further link the aforesaid. The adjectives, the adverbs, the interjections embellish these structures and their correct usage only adorns the language further.

With just 26 alphabets classified into vowels and consonants, English has woven millions of dreams into infinite stories. The Monophthongs, Diphthongs and Triphthongs are the vowel sounds which when combined with consonant sounds help pronounce the words correctly.

In addition to this, English relies on the tenses to give itself a concrete shape. These tenses, dependent entirely on verbs, mean time. These are basic building blocks of the language for a sentence is not deemed complete in the absence of the verb. Here, the auxiliary verbs and the word order with just one main clause make a simple sentence; two independent clauses joined by a connector make a compound sentence and one main clause with one or more dependent clauses make a complex sentence.

It also cloaks the root words which are a combination of basic words and additional suffixes and prefixes. The synonyms, the antonyms, the idioms, the proverbs and the phrasal verbs become the crayons that make English a colourful and vibrant language.

The formal language is said to have not just passive constructs, conditionals and symbolism but rhetoric devices as well.  These affect the mood of the sentence thereby making a profound impact on the development of the idea to be conveyed.

The evolution of old English to the modern English is a result of the metamorphosis it’s been through. However, despite its beautiful aspects, English is not without its imperfections. From the irregularity of the transitional spelling to pronunciation, English language is replete with inconsistencies.

Therefore the world of English despite the ups and downs has constantly kept itself abreast by incorporating all that came along getting itself the credit of being the international language of communication, media and internet.


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