Face & Ace an Interview!

Facing an interview can be nerve-wrecking for it challenges you to showcase your professional abilities under tensed and stressful environment. Here the hardest of nuts may crack up whereas the simplest of candidates may come out a winner. An interview is a game changer.

During an interview, the prospective employer wants to see if you are the right fit for the job therefore the predetermined questions are thus structured accordingly. And many interviewees, despite their potential, inevitably have a poor experience due to lack of confidence and unpreparedness.

How so ever daunting it may sound, just know, if you have been called for the interview means you have what the prospective employer might be interested in. So feel good and follow these simple techniques to land the job of your choice.

Be informed
First and foremost, researching the background of the company and the job that you are hoping to get will help you head into the interview relaxed and confident.

Dress appropriately
Dress a step above of what you would normally wear to work. Don’t wear anything uncomfortable. Get something formal and modest. Your appearance can be a key indicator of your attitude therefore it will pay to spare some thoughts to how you look.

Arrive early
Plan your schedule to be there on time so that you don’t arrive out of breath. Don’t present yourself too early though. Being at least 10 minutes before the interview will help you gain your self-control thereby making you look poised.

Be yourself
It’s important to be who you are while facing an interview. Don’t try to show that you are smarter than you really are. Present yourself with pride, make an eye contact and conduct yourself well. You may have just one chance to make a good first impression, so make that count.

Be articulate
Prepare the common or expected questions before hand. This will help you know what to say. In the interview, listen carefully. Speak with confidence and clarity as you answer the questions and make sure that your answers are positive. Be articulate. Mean what you say and say what you mean. Express a good attitude. It’ll be good if you show that you’re willing to work and eager to learn.

Know your resume
Be the person portrayed in the resume. Being perfect on the paper but not impressive in person can be disappointing. Be alert, be aware and know what to say. There is no right or wrong answer most of the time. You are assessed to see if you will fit in the company’s culture.

Ask questions
Don’t hesitate to ask questions to show your enthusiasm and interest in the job. It’s ok to ask for clarification in case you don’t follow a question that has been asked. Focus on your qualifications and personalize moderately if required. Maintain a natural flow of the conversation and ease your way into the rest of the interview.

Don’t be overly enthusiastic about salary related questions
Be cautious while discussing your opinion related to your salary expectations. Salary related questions raised too soon can eliminate your chances of being selected. It’s always a good strategy though to answer this question once the job has been offered.

Thank the interviewer once the interview is over with smile and leave the room promptly.

Interviews are game changers. A few rounds handled well and you get the job you desire so be the confident and well informed you. Show the interviewer that you can meet the requirement of the job. Make your mark as you make your way through the interview. Keep it simple and you surely can ace the interview.


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